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debt collection for no contract debts

Owed Money But Got No Contract?

Last modified: September 13, 2024

Owed Money But Got No Contract?

Every day businesses and individuals in the UK provide their goods or services to customers. In many cases, these transactions are completed without the benefit of a contract. Unfortunately, this leaves an opportunity open for those who choose not to pay.

When this happens, the person or business that is owed money can be left feeling frustrated and when a customer does not pay. Owe money but go no contract? If so, all is not lost.

Despite the absence of a contract, there are several ways in which you may be able to claim your money back.

At Frontline Collections, our team of award-winning debt recovery experts have a combined experience of hundreds of years.

They know everything there is to know about the recovery of debt. As such, they have listed some of the most effective ways in which you can collect what is owed to you.

Owed Money But Got No Contract? Get Expert Help From Professional Debt Collectors Now

If you are having issues collecting money from a cheque which has bounced, our friendly team of Debt Collection Experts is happy to help you today


Unjust Enrichment

One of the best ways to recover owed money if you have got no contract is by claiming under ‘Unjust Enrichment’.

This is defined as “A general equitable principle that no person should be allowed to profit at another’s expense without making restitution for the reasonable value of any property, services, or other benefits that have been unfairly received and retained.”.

Unjust enrichment can be simply explained as If one party has profited at the unfair expense of another. It requires the party to pay restitution to the other party.

This is a valid option if you are owed money but have no contract. It may be used in cases where a claimant is not in possession of any type of contract (written or verbal) which could be used to support their claim.

To make sure each case is handled correctly, each one must be based on their own merits and facts. Each case can be complex, so proper care and attention is needed when dealing with them.

To claim for unjust enrichment to a claimant must be able to demonstrate the following;

  • The defendant has been enriched
  • This enrichment is at the claimant’s expense
  • This enrichment at the claimant’s expense is unjust
  • There is no applicable defence
  • Examples of Unjust Enrichment Money But Got No Contract? Frontline Collections

Owed Money But Got No Contract – Examples of Unjust Enrichment

An example of unjust enrichment could be as follows:

A property owner has hired a painter to decorate their house. The painter goes on to complete most of the house, but the next time they visit the property owner refuses them entry.

As well as this, they refuse to pay the painter.

The property owner in this case has been ‘unjustly enriched’. They received the benefits of the work done by the painter, but did not pay them for their work.

It’s quite fair to say that if this case went to court, the property owner would be required to pay the painter for the work that had been done.

Another common basic example of an unjust enrichment could be if you were accidentally given more change than you should have from a shop.

In this example, you are unjustly enriched at the expense of the shop. Claiming for unjust enrichment can be a complex and challenging experience.

However, our friendly team of award-winning debt collection experts are ready to discuss your situation and help.

Owed Money But Got No Contract – Other Options

If you have any supporting paperwork or evidence of the debt being owed it will always help your case. For example, if an invoice has been issued for goods or services, then this may help prove that a debt is owed

A bounced cheque is as good as any proof of the debt existing, as payment has been attempted.  After all, why would someone try to pay you if you had not supplied them with anything?

Another option for evidence without a contract may be evidence of you chasing the debt.

Hopefully, the debtor has responded with something like a reason why they have not paid or an apology. If so, this may be able to be used as evidence that the debt exists.

This is especially useful for those who have loaned money to friends or family.

Lastly, any witnesses to the arrangement can be vital towards proving a debt exists. If the arrangement was done by telephone, did anyone hear payment verbally agreed (or was it recorded?)?

If the arrangement was spoken about face to face, was anyone present to witness hearing the debtor how they were going to repay you?

Call us today to find out if we can help you recover your money.

Whether it is wages owed by an employer or a debt owing from a family member, the same logistics apply to all scenarios.

Owed Money But Got No Contract? Get Expert Help From Professional Debt Collectors Now

If you are having issues collecting money from a cheque which has bounced, our friendly team of Debt Collection Experts is happy to help you today